
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dr. Yahya Maurice Bucaille

PADA pertengahan tahun 1975, Perancis yang ketika itu di bawah pemerintahan Presiden Francisco Mitterand menawarkan kerajaan Mesir bantuan untuk meneliti, mempelajari dan menganalisis mumia Firaun, Ramsess II yang sangat terkenal.

Firaun yang dikatakan hidup di zaman Nabi Musa yang akhirnya mati tenggelam dalam Laut Merah ketika mengejar Musa dan para pengikut baginda yang melarikan diri daripada kekejamannya.

Mesir menyambut baik tawaran itu dan membenarkan mumia itu diterbangkan ke Paris. Malah ketika sampai di sana kedatangan mumia itu disambut dengan pesta dan keramaian.

Ini termasuklah apabila Mitterand dan para pemimpin Perancis yang lain tunduk hormat ketika mumia itu dibawa lalu di hadapan mereka.

Mumia itu kemudiannya diletakkan di ruang khas di Pusat Arkeologi Perancis. Di situ ia bakal diperiksa sekali gus membongkar rahsianya oleh para pakar, doktor bedah dan autopsi Perancis yang dipimpin oleh doktor yang sangat terkenal, Prof. Dr. Maurice Bucaille.

Bucaille seorang pakar bedah kenamaan Perancis yang dilahirkan di Pont-L’Eveque pada 19 Julai 1920. Memulakan kerjaya di bidang perubatan am dan pada tahun 1945 beliau diiktiraf sebagai pakar di bidang gastroentorologi.

Ramai kerabat diraja dan keluarga pemimpin dunia menggunakan khidmat Dr. Bucaille, termasuk Raja Faisal Arab Saudi dan pemimpin Mesir, Anwar Sadat.

Lalu kesempatan beliau untuk membedah dan menyiasat mumia Firaun, mengerah seluruh tenaga dan mindanya untuk menguak misteri di sebalik penyebab kematian raja Mesir kuno itu.

Ternyata, hasilnya sangat mengejutkan. Dr. Bucaille menemukan sisa-sisa garam yang masih melekat pada jasad mumia tersebut sebagai bukti terbesar bahawa Firaun itu mati akibat tenggelam di dalam laut. Iaitu jasadnya segera dikeluarkan dari laut, ‘dirawat’ segera dan dijadikan mumia supaya jasad itu kekal awet.

Namun penemuan itu menimbulkan persoalan yang sangat besar kepada Dr. Bucaille. Bagaimana jasad tersebut masih dalam keadaan sangat baik berbanding jasad-jasad yang lazimnya tenggelam dan dikeluarkan daripada laut?

Lalu beliau menyiapkan sebuah laporan akhir yang diyakininya sebagai penemuan baru, iaitu proses menyelamatkan mayat Firaun dari laut dan kaedah pengawetannya.

Laporan tersebut diterbitkan dengan tajuk; Mumia Firaun: Sebuah Penelitian Perubatan Moden (judul asalnya; Les Momies Des Pharaons Et La Midecine). Ekoran penerbitan laporan itu, Dr Bucaille dianugerah penghargaan tertinggi kerajaan iaitu Le Prix Diane Potier-Boes (Penghargaan Dalam Sejarah) oleh Academie Frantaise dan anugerah Prix General daripada Academie Nationale De Medicine, Perancis.

Namun seorang rakan sempat membisikkan kepada Dr. Bucaille bahawa penemuan ini sebenarnya bukan sesuatu yang baru.

“Jangan tergesa-gesa kerana sesungguhnya umat Islam telah berbicara mengenai peristiwa Firaun yang mati lemas dan mayatnya dipelihara sehingga hari ini!”

Namun kata-kata itu ditentang keras oleh Dr. Bucaille kerana beliau menganggap sangat mustahil. Baginya membongkar sesebuah misteri yang lama tidak mungkin dapat diketahui kecuali dengan perkembangan teknologi moden, peralatan dan makmal canggih yang mutakhir dan tepat.

Kisah Firaun dalam al-Quran

Hakikatnya Dr. Bucaille menjadi serba salah dan bingung apabila diberitahu bahawa al-Quran yang diyakini dan dipercayai oleh umat Islam telahpun meriwayatkan kisah tenggelamnya Firaun dan kemudian mayatnya diselamatkan.

Beliau semakin tertanya-tanya, bagaimana perkara seperti itu dapat diterima oleh akal kerana mumia itu baru sahaja ditemui sekitar tahun 1898. Sedangkan al-Quran telah ada di tangan umat Islam sejak ribuan tahun sebelumnya.

Sambil mata tidak lepas memandang mumia Firauan yang terbujur di hadapannya, Dr. Bucaille terus tertanya-tanya bagaimana al-Quran dapat membicarakan kisah Firaun yang jasadnya diselamatkan dari hancur sejak ribuan tahun lalu.

“Apakah masuk akal di hadapanku ini adalah Firaun yang cuba menangkap Musa (Nabi)? Apakah masuk akal Muhammad (Nabi) mengetahui hal sejarah ini? Pada hal kejadian Musa dikejar Firaun telah berlaku sebelum al-Quran diturunkan,” bicara hatinya sendirian.

Lalu beliau mendapatkan kitab Injil yang di dalamnya hanya membicarakan Firaun yang tenggelam di tengah laut saat mengejar Nabi Musa tetapi tidak diceritakan mengenai mayat Firaun.

Sementara dalam Kitab Perjanjian Lama (Injil Lama) pula yang diceritakan dalam kitab itu hanyalah: “Air (laut) pun kembali seperti sebuah lautan yang berombak dan beralun, menenggelamkan kereta-kereta (chariot) kuda, pasukan berkuda dan seluruh bala tentera Firaun tanpa ada seorang pun yang berjaya menyelamatkan diri. Tetapi anak-anak Israel dapat menyelamatkan diri atas daratan kering di tengah-tengah laut itu”. (Exodus 14:28 dan Psalm 136:15)

Dr. Bucaille sangat terkejut kerana tidak ada disebut langsung mengenai apa yang terjadi seterusnya kepada mayat Firaun selepas tenggelam itu.

Ini menjadikan beliau semakin kebingungan.

Apabila mumia dikembalikan semula ke Mesir, Dr. Bucaille terus mendapatkan kepastian mengenai mumia itu. Lalu beliau memutuskan untuk bertemu dengan para ilmuwan Islam mengenai sejarah Nabi Musa, kekejaman Firaun sehinggalah Bani Israel meninggalkan Mesir dan dikejar Firaun dengan seluruh bala tentera di belakang mereka.

Maka salah seorang mereka terus bangun dan membaca ayat al-Quran berhubung sejarah tersebut untuk Dr. Bucaille mendengarkannya sendiri:

“Maka pada hari ini Kami selamatkan badan kamu supaya kamu dapat menjadi pelajaran bagi orang-orang yang datang sesudah kamu dan sesungguhnya kebanyakan manusia lengah dari tanda-tanda kekuasaan Kami. (Yunus: 92).”

Apabila mendengar ayat ini, hati Dr. Bucaille benar-benar tersentuh. Beliau akhirnya mengakui kebenaran ayat itu kerana ia dapat diterima akal dan memberikan satu inspirasi serta dorongan kepada sains untuk maju meneroka lebih jauh lagi.

Lalu dengan hati yang begitu bergetaran dalam menahan sebak dan keharuan, beliau pun bangun dan dengan suara yang lantang berkata: “Sesungguhnya aku masuk Islam dan beriman dengan al-Quran ini.”

Tidak sekadar beliau mengakui kebenaran dan memeluk Islam tetapi beliau kemudiannya pulang ke Perancis dengan menggali seluruh isi al-Quran.

Akhirnya beliau berjaya menerbitkan buku yang sangat mengejutkan seluruh dunia dan sehingga kini telah diterjemahkan dalam pelbagai bahasa pada tahun 1976, iaitu The Bible, the Qur’an, and Science : The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge.

Melalui buku ini, Dr. Bucaille yang kemudiannya dikenali sebagai Dr. Yahya Maurice Bucaille berjaya membuktikan bahawa al-Quran adalah selari dengan fakta-fakta sains sementara kitab Injil adalah sebaliknya.

“Sains dan Islam umpama saudara kembar yang tidak boleh berpisah. Ini kerana dalam Injil terdapat pelbagai kesilapan dari aspek saintifik tetapi tiada sedikitpun kesilapan seperti itu ada dalam al-Quran.

“Al-Quran yang di dalamnya diceritakan segala penjelasan mengenai fenomena alam semula jadi yang sangat bertepatan dengan sains moden,” katanya.
Beliau memberikan kesimpulan bahawa tidak syak lagi al-Quran benar-benar kalam Allah
Maurice Bucaille was born to a French parent and, like his family, he grew up a Christian. When he ended his secondary education, he joined Faculty of Medicine, France University. He excelled at medicine until he obtained a BSc degree and worked hard until he rose to fame, becoming the most renowned and cleverest surgeon ever in modern France, but a story happened to change his life completely.

Story of his conversion to Islam:

France is known for its unique interest in archeology and heritage. When French Socialist President François Mitterrand assumed power in 1981, France asked Egypt, late in the eighties, for the mummy of Egypt's pharaoh so that it would conduct a string of monumental and processing experiments. Actually the body of Egypt's most notorious tyrant was transferred to France, and, strangely, the French president and his ministers as well as senior officials in the country lined up near the plane carrying the pharaoh's body and bowed down to him as if he were still alive! After the ceremonies of the royal –like reception to Egypt's pharaoh were over, the tyrant's mummy was carried nearly in the same red carpet reception way he received. Then the mummy was transferred to a special wing at the French Monuments Center, and renowned archeologists, surgeons and anatomists started to conduct a study on this mummy in an attempt to delve into its mysteries. The senior surgeon and the scientist in charge of the study on this mummy of the pharaoh was Professor Maurice Bucaille. While the processors were busy making restoration to the mummy, their head (Maurice Bucaille) was thinking otherwise. He was trying to discover how this pharaoh died when, late at night, he concluded his final analyses. The remains of the salt stuck in his body was a shining evidence that he had drowned and that his body was retrived from the sea swiftly after he drowned; it was also obvious that they rushed to mummify his body so that his body would remain intact!! But he (i.e. Maurice Bucaille) puzzled over a question: How did this body- to the exclusion of other mummified bodies of other ancient Egyptians- remain that intact although it was recovered from the sea?" He asked himself. Maurice Bucaille was busy conducting a final report while thinking as to whether the pharaoh's body was recovered from the sea and mummified immediately after he drowned. But one of his company whispered in his ear, saying" There is no need to rush about this issue, since the Muslims say that this pharaoh did drown". At first, he vehemently rejected this say and did not believe it, citing that such a discovery would be reached only through sophisticated, modern and accurate computers. Another one accompanying him surprised him more when he told him that the Muslims' Qu'ran in which they believe narrates the story that says he drowned and that his body remained intact even after he drowned. He got more surprised and kept on asking" Where did the Muslims' Qu'ran quote these data from while the mummy was not discovered until 1898 AD, i.e. about 200 years only, given that the Qu'ran has been recited by Muslims for over 1400 years, and given also that until a few decades ago the entire mankind including Muslims did not know that the ancient Egyptians had mummified their pharaohs?!.
Maurice Bucaille stayed up all this night gazing at Pharaoh's body, thinking deeply of what his fellow researcher told him about the Muslims' Qu'ran explicitly establishing that this body was recovered after drowning, while the Christians' Gospel (Matthew and Luca ) narrated only the story of pharaoh when he was chasing Messenger Musa( SAWS) without mentioning the fate of his body at all. "Is it believable that Mohammed ( SAWS) knew about this over one thousand years ago while I have only just known it ?!" he said to himself .
Maurice spent a sleepless night, and asked for a version of the Torah. He devoted part of his time to reading the Exodus in the Torah which read, "And the water turned to drown the military tools and horses of Pharaoh's army, chasing all of them until it left nobody".
But this text only furthered Bukaille's astonishment; since even Torah did not narrate that the body was recovered and remained intact due to the processing and restoration which it did undergo.
France sent back the mummy to Egypt in a splendid glass coffin. But , since he knew about the story circulated by Muslims on the intactness of this body, he decided to pack his baggage and travel to Saudi Arabia where a medical conference happened to be held with a galaxy of Muslim anatomists attending.
There, told them about his discovery, i.e. that Pharaoh's body was kept intact even after he drowned. One of the conferees opened the Mos'haf (Qur'an) and read out the ayah in which Allah, SWT, said, " So today We will (safely) deliver you with your body that you may be a sign to the ones succeeding you; and surely many among mankind are indeed heedless of Our signs.” (Yunus, ayah 92).
In his excitement, he stood before the attendants and loudly said, "I have converted to Islam and believed in this Qu'ran"

Bucaille's Achievements:

Back to France, Maurice Bucaille completely changed and spent ten years only busy conducting a study as to how far the recently scientific facts match that mentioned in the Holy Qu'ran, trying to reassure himself that the Qu'ran has never contradicted with any single scientific fact, so that he eventually came up with the conclusion that Allah, SWT, said of the Qu'ran, "Untruth does not come up to it before (Literally: between its two hands) it nor from behind it; a successive sending down from (One) Ever-Wise, Ever-Praiseworthy.
These years which French Maurice spent conducting this study did bear fruit, after which he came up with a earth shaking book on the Holy Qu'ran which jolted the entire Western states, with the title of the book reading ," The Bible, The Qu'ran and Science,
The Holy Scriptures Examined In The Light Of Modern Knowledge"
All of a sudden, the book sold out , and even hundreds of thousands of it were translated from French to Arabic, English, Indonesian, Persian, Turkish and German, extending to include nearly all East and West bookstores; one has come to see it with any Egyptian, Moroccan or Gulf person in the US.

Mad Reactions:

Some of the Jewish and Christian Clergy, out of malicious hatred, have come to counter the facts which the book established. However, what they wrote was nothing but a futile debate and desperate attempts through devilish suggestions. One of them, by name of Dr. William Campbell, authored a book titled, "Qu'ran and Holy Scripture, in the Light of History and Science" . In this book of his, he wandered and wandered but in the end he failed to achieve anything. More surprisingly, a Western scholar kept on reading the book authored by Bucaille in an attempt to counter it, and by the time he ended it, he had converted to Islam and openly uttered the two parts of the Sahabah!
In the preface of his book, Maurice Bucaille said," These scientific areas which Qu'ran established to the exclusion of other Scriptures filled me with deep surprise early on, since it never struck my mind to see such a large amount of scientific issues in such a variable and accurate way that they are a mirror image of what has recently been discovered in a book which has existed for more than 13 centuries.!!
He also said," First, I studied the Holy Qu'ran in a subjective and unbiased way, in an attempt to find by myself that the Qu'ran texts and the givens of the modern science match and do not conflict. Before this study, I earlier knew, through the translated versions of the Qu'ran, that the Qu'ran stated so many natural phenomena. Thanks to the in -depth study of the Arabic text , I managed to gather a list of scientific signs in the Qu'ran, after which I realized that the Qu'ran contains no refutable ayahs, nor did I see scientific ayahs in the Qu'ran which contradict with the recently discovered facts. In the same subjective and unbiased way of research, I scrutinized the Old Testament and Holy Scriptures. Concerning the Old Testament, I needed not go further after I read the Exodus and found no harmony between its texts and the decided scientific givens in our age. Concerning the Holy Scriptures, one can easily read a text in Matthew Gospel which is in stark contrast with that in Luca, and that the latter presents us with matters which does not absolutely go with the modern science as to Man's life on earth"
Dr. Maurice Bucaille also said, "Anyone who reads the Qu'ran for the first time sees a book which abounds with accurate and easy –to- understand scientific subjects. While one fails to find any contradiction or errors in the Qu'ran, the current Torah abounds with fatal scientist errors. This prompts us to say that if the author of this Qu'ran was a human, then how did he write about facts which never belonged to his age!?"

His book The Bible, The Qu'ran and Science, The Holy Scriptures Examined In The Light Of Modern Knowledge was such a marvelous piece of writing that, in the year 1988, the French Academy awarded him its prize in history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

adoyai mastika amek dari sini kaaaa
sebijik pulak tu satu per satu ayat